Mood Killers: Words Camgirls Should Avoid

January 22, 2018 Camgirl Expert Articles 5565 Views
Mood Killers: Words Camgirls Should Avoid

You’ve got your scientifically applied makeup, you’ve got your laptop all set up, you have the best lighting equipment, you have your camgirl persona all set up—and you’re now in front of the webcam!

But before you start to be the perfect camgirl, because you’ve been paying attention to all these excellent lessons I’ve been giving you, there are a few words you really should AVOID using.

Why? Because I’m your professional camgirl expert: the one who has taught many girls like yourself and shown them the path to those great camgirl cash. That’s why!

A Beginner’s Guide to Camgirl Lighting

Learning how to light your camming space is one of the biggest skills you’re going to need to become a successful webcam model. Putting it simply, if they can’t see you then they can’t pay you!

So here are the words to avoid using when talking to your members—the words that could mean the difference between profitable private chats and piss poor performance! Remember, victory loves preparation.

How to Make Yourself An Interesting Camgirl Character!

Who are you? You need to create your hottest cam girl persona: the ‘self’ that people are going to pay to see.

Work. The men coming to you are lonely: they want you to be their perfect girlfriend, or fulfill their fantasies, and not someone out to just get their money. Once you’ve decided how much money you want to earn that day then shift your focus 100% on their fantasies—to be able to understand their fantasies and speak that language back to them so they know that you care and understand why they are there. Telling them that you’re working, or just out to make some bucks, will ruin that illusion and chase many of them away. Better to say that you are having fun and that you are enjoying your camgirl life!

Customers. By calling the people coming into your camming room “customers” or “clients” you automatically make them feel like you are seeing them only as walking wallets. Instead, call them “guests,” “friends,” “members,” or “followers.” Always be striving to make them feel like they are special – and could be more than special if they’ll go into private chat with you!

No. Unless it’s your followers wanting to get something for free, “no” is not a word you should be saying! Rather say things like: “I haven’t done that—yet,” “It’s something I’ve always wanted to try,” “That sounds interesting!” or “I’ve love to give that a try.” Remember, you are a fantasy: use this as a way to tickle and intrigue your followers instead of shutting the door on them!

I have a boyfriend/I’m married. Once again, you are a fantasy: a dreamgirl come true for all kinds of lonely guys. Saying that you have a boyfriend or are married will ruin it for a lot of them unless that is their fantasy! Always try to create the illusion of availability: be teasing, titillating, flirty, and especially sassy—but never cold or unavailable!

It might sound turned around but to be a successful camgirl you’ll make money by not talking about making money with your followers! Think of it this way: you need to think logically, carefully, and especially professionally about what you’re doing but you also need to project being that playfully emotional perfect girlfriend. Here’s it is in a nutshell: think logically but act emotionally!

So there you go: my expert advice on the words you should not be using when you are talking to your followers! Never forget my advice, its what has given me so much camming success: you are a dream girl—one that is sexy and playfully wild. Negative words or appearing to only be into camming for the money won’t get you that top camgirl cash!

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