Camgirl Make-Up Tricks and Tips #1: Make Your Face Glow!

December 21, 2017 Camgirl Expert Articles 6398 Views
Camgirl Make-Up Tricks and Tips #1: Make Your Face Glow!

The old maxim is to put your best foot forward. But when you’re doing a live cam chat you always need to put your best face forward. After all, your face is what people will be coming to you to see.

Luckily, I’m here to give you best advice there is with some science-based techniques to make your face really glow — and increase your cam girl success!

Think of camming as creating that wonderful first date atmosphere for your audience. Because for a lot of them each time will be that special moment: you want to make each time as special—so they keep coming back!

Lighting: First off, you have to have good lighting so you can see what you’re doing and not, for example, have obvious foundation streaks or use the wrong colors! (For smooth foundation, I use Beautyblender.)

S1 Ep2: Science based camgirl makeup secrets

Expert makeup tips that will make you irresistible to camming fans!

Contour: One crucial thing about being a cam girl is to remember that your studio lights will wash you out, so your makeup off camera is not going to show up the same on camera. To combat this, use contour (my choice is Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Kit) and a highlighter (Benefit Sun Beam) to give your more contrast and so your face won’t appear flat when you’re camming. This will also sculpt your cheeks to create a wonderful jawline.

Moisturize Philosophy Hope in a Jar: Next you want to keep your skin hydrated so your makeup goes on smoothly (I also like to use a primer like Becca Ever-Matte Poreless Priming Perfector) and lasts longer. It’s a fact of life that every age brings its own problems, from youth acne to aging skin sun damage, and everything from birth control to chocolate can mess with your skin. Even and healthy looking skin tone sets the stage for everything else – it’s worth investing a little extra into it!

Make Your Skin Tone Even: Strive to give yourself a youthful, healthy skin tone (Even Better Skin Tone Correcting Lotion SPF 20) … which is what your online cam girl audience wants to see and, best of all, pay for! To get this use a nice foundation, preferably a HD (Ultra HD Invisible Cover Foundation) or a Photoready one (Lancome Renergie Lift Make up SPH 20 12-hr Lifting anti-Wrinkle Radiance ). Keep in mind you’re shooting for a nice airbrushed look!

Cheeks: During ovulation, when a woman is most fertile, there’ll be an increased blood flow, which naturally pinkens your cheeks. To get this effect use a blush (I use Mac Powder Blush). It will mimic as well as exaggerate this healthy and sensual glow.

There is a right and a wrong way to do your makeup and I’m here to give you these psychological tools that you can use to drive more traffic to your room!

These are not just theories. These are proven facts that are going to stimulate an unconscious psychological response from the opposite sex.

This is the path to success that I’ve created, and if you follow this path you will have the same success!

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