Camgirl On The Road: When To Do a Travel Show

February 9, 2018 Camgirl Expert Articles 6684 Views
Camgirl On The Road: When To Do a Travel Show

One of the huge perks of being a camgirl, along with the dollars that will be coming your way, is the freedom of when and where you do your shows! After all, you really just need your laptop, good lighting, a flawless Internet connection, your scientifically applied makeup, and a place to do your camming—and that could be anywhere!

But here are some things you need to know before stepping away from your cam room. Lucky for you I’m here: your camgirl expert of experts to teach you when you should take your cam show on the road and when you should stay home!

As with everything I talk about never forget that I’ve not just been doing this professionally for a long time but also have the success to show for it—so if you want the same just pay attention.

You have to be financially secure. Use the old trick of having a good time on vacation: take your planned budget and then double it—or, even better, triple it! You don’t want to be sitting on a glorious resort, or sunning yourself on some tropical beach, and then run out of money—and without cash you can’t get online and if you can’t get online you can’t be earning those top camgirl dollars! So don’t head off unless you can financially handle it!

Break up your routine. Being predictable can be fine for some things: keeping a strict camming schedule, never being unprofessional or rude, and interacting with your followers effectively—but sometimes changing the scenery can give your camshow an extra boost! Once you can swing it financially, think about doing a special show at a different location. It could be from a convention in Vegas, a hotel in Mexico, or at a friend’s house—as long as you have your gear and have made sure everything’s working perfectly you can spice things up for your followers. In addition, announcing your travel in advance, pre-selling admission and building the suspense by withholding the time and date of your away-show is a great way to keep your followers excited and on the edge of their seats.

Become A Cam Girl Superstar on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter

There are a couple platforms I would use off the top. Learn how to use these sites to your advantage for camming.

Be able to handle things going wrong. Right up there with having enough in the bank to afford a good trip you should also be ready to handle it if things go south in other ways. If your schedule is so tight, and you have tons of followers that might leave if you miss even one show, then it might not be a good time to travel.

Never forget your audience, but listen to me, your absolute expert, and never forget that travel can be a great spice for your webcam show.

If you feel like you’re ready for it, then give it a shot: it could be an extra jolt to your eager followers—which equals extra camgirl money for you!

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